2. API Reference

2.1. toolbox — Toolboxes in HEC-DSSVue

2.1.1. Tool — A tool base class

class toolbox.Tool(configFileName=None, dssFilePath=None)

A tool for undertaking tasks in HEC-DSSVue.

A tool is defined by providing a yaml configuration file configFileName and a HEC-DSS database dssFilePath to operate on. If dssFilePath is not set, the active DSS-file in the HEC-DSSVue window will be used. If configFileName is not set, a file selection dialogue is displayed prompting for a configuration file.

The attribute config will be set containing the parsed yaml config file.

schema = None

Configuaration validation schema (uses voluptuous library)

refreshCatalogue = 0

Whether to refresh the HEC-DSSVue catalogue after completing the task.

message = None

Message to be displayed in HEC-DSSVue after running the tool. This attribute is typically set in the main().


Main tool execution method.

This method should be called after instantiating the tool to run it. The method executes main() followed by postRun().


Run core tool tasks.

Must be implemented in sub-class.


Run additional tasks at the end of the core run.

By default this method refreshes the HEC-DSSVue catalogue (if refreshCatalogue is true) and displays any string in message.

2.2. toolbox.util — Common utility functions

toolbox.util.relativeFolder(folder, dssFilePath, createFolder='ifrelative')

Return an absolute path to folder relative to dssFilePath.

If the path folder is already absolute, it will simply return the path. createFolder is one of ‘ifrelative’, ‘ifabsolute’ or ‘allways’.

class toolbox.util.ValidationError

An error while validating data.

class toolbox.util.CancelledError

Operation cancellation/interruption by the user.


Return numeric value of measurement string and quality flag as tuple.

If valueStr starts with < (i.e. below limit of detection), the returned value is 50% of the value after the <.

toolbox.util.parseDateTime(dateStr, timeStr, dateFmt='%Y/%m/%d')

Return HecTime from date and time strings.

Time format is always %H:%M:%S.