2. Importing “field” data

The Monitoring Module can be used to import water quality data collected in the field with a handheld meter. The measured parameters are exported from the meter to a csv-file with the parameters forming the columns (across) and the locations in rows (down).

Multiple csv-files can be imported at once.


The Monitoring Module’s field data importing tool has been tested to work with the following meters:

  • Hanna Instruments® multi-parameter meter type HI 9828

Other meters and csv input file formats may be supported by tweaking the tool’s configuration parameters.

2.1. Getting everything in place

In this example, the file to be imported 2015-01 Site measurements.csv is saved in a project file structure as follows:

        Import data\
            2015-01 Site measurements.csv
        Monitoring data.dss

2.2. The configuration file

The configuration file field_import.yml can be created as a simple text file with the following content:

folder: Import data
- 2015-01 Site measurements.csv

site: Example site
version: RAW

    title: Date
    format: "%Y/%m/%d"
    title: Time
    title: Location

  pH: PH
  DO %: DO%
  DO mg/l: DO
  S/cm: EC

    unit: degC
    unit: "-"
    unit: "%"
    unit: mg/l
    unit: µS/cm


The configuration file is structured according to the YAML format. Indentation is important to define the configuration correctly. The example is best copied exactly as provided!

The configuration file describes the files to be imported as well as information about which csv-file columns to be imported. The mapping section of the configuration file indicates which column headings map onto the parameters to be saved into the database. Special symbols (non-ASCII characters) should be omitted from the mapping section.

The following tags can be used to specify the date format:

Day Month Year
Tag Example Tag Example Tag Example
%d 01, 02, .., 31 %b Jan, Feb, .. %y 00, 01, .., 99

  %B January, February, .. %Y 1970, 2013, ..

  %m 01, 02, .., 12


The time column is optional. If not specified, all times are set to 12:00:00 hrs. The time format is always assumed to be %H:%M:%S.

Parameter values in the import file starting with < are interpreted as being below the meter’s limit of detection (LOD). Such measurements are imported as 50% of the LOD to allow numeric evaluations and plotting in line with current best practice.

2.3. Running the import

When the configuration has been set up, the data can be imported as follows:

  1. Open the Monitoring data.dss file in HEC-DSSVue.
  2. Select menu item Scripts ‣ Import field data or alternatively click on Import field data on the toolbar.
  3. Choose the configuration file field_import.yml in the file selection window.

When successfully completed, a message is displayed how many records have been imported and the catalogue is refreshed.