1. Introduction

The Monitoring Module is a set of HEC-DSSVue scripts for managing environmental monitoring data. The following scripts are included:

  1. Importing water quality data measured using a hand-held meter (see Importing “field” data).
  2. Importing laboratory water quality analytical results (see Importing lab data).
  3. Importing continuous logger data (see Importing logger data).
  4. Creating timeseries plots of water quality data (see Creating timeseries plots (locations combined)).

HEC-DSS stores data using A- to F-parts. The Monitoring Module uses these as follows:

  • A-part: Site name
  • B-part: Monitoring point within the site
  • C-part: Parameter, e.g. pH, temperature
  • D-part: Time period
  • E-part: Monitoring interval, e.g. every 15 minutes or irregular
  • F-part: Version, e.g. raw or obs

The F-part can be used as part of a data quality control workflow. For example, imported data can be imported as raw and after checking and manipulation (as required) be saved as obs.


In HEC-DSS, all parts are stored in uppercase letters, e.g. pH is saved as PH etc. This cannot be changed.